Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Greetings From Washington!

We are having a great time here in Washington, and managed to get some toy hogging


And some beach time!

Here's OhLa's funny swim technique.....hilarious! She swims like a normal dog in the lake but it seems the waves have her in a bit of a flap!

We went to the local dog park today, they had a great run. It's a nice park, though it affirmed my beliefs that people who go to dog parks are a bit crazy. Seriously annoying self appointed dog trainers are forever providing unwanted "advice" to unsuspecting park go-ers. I'm glad I know better and my dogs (and I) prefer to keep to ourselves, but it makes me sad to hear the words "dominant" thrown out there so often. We all know what that leads to (thanks to you know who the "famous" tv trainer). I am happy that my stable dogs can tolerate telling off a humping husky and help a sweet little pitbull learn that not all dogs are going to get all up in her face and hump her (while the owner is yelling EASY EASY EASY from 50 feet away). Seriously people, like yelling easy is going to alleviate the dogs anxiety issues. Lucky for the dog it has learned how to tune out the owner almost completely (I would too if someone nagged me constantly!) If the dog didn't have anxiety issues to start with it will now, now that you have constantly reienforced with your shrill voice that there is something "wrong" with greeting a group of dogs politely. Sigh. End rant, suffice it to say there is something great about living in the north where you can run your dogs in the bush and not see another person. Having the beach relatively near by is almost worth the trade off though!

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